Of late there’s been a miniature Hastings beach boat at Hullbridge. She looks sound, but rather tatty. Her upright stem, broad beam, firm bilges and ducktail stern are typical features of this sort of boat that has to be drawn up on a pebbly beach. There’s no harbour at Hastings and the only protection from the water is the high beach. From the photos you’ll notice she has a drop-in rudder that is housed through a slot in the aft deck. Her propeller is forward of the rudder, high enough to be clear of the beach. Sails are not used on the full-size boats today, but this one has a loose-footed standing lugsail bent to a very long yard. This sail would be useful when running and perhaps while reaching, but because of her shallow draught and absence of a keel or centreboard she would not go to windward. I’ve seen the boat underway and I can vouch she has a powerful Yanmar diesel engine that can push her at around 5 knots. Basically she’s more of motorboat than a sailing boat. I think she could be good fun, especially for a person who would like to do a bit of sea fishing.
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