After a whole day working on the boat I feel I am getting there. She’s beginning to look like the genuine article. Mostly from now on, it’s a matter of cosmetics.

I have yet to make the coamings and the plywood blocks through which the rope handles will pass before exiting the decks.
The seat remains a question mark, but I was given a very good suggestion as to how I could do it. Get hold of a two part pack of closed cell foam; mix and pour the contents into a plastic bag, upon which I should sit for about ten minutes. When the foam has set, remove it from the bag; trim to shape and cover it with a suitable material. I would first need to make a simple plywood seat for supporting the foam as it solidifies. Well, I have yet to research this method before deciding if should adopt it.

Close fit for the coamings
I trimmed the cockpit to the exact finished shape, and attached eight small blocks of mahogany to the edges for fixing the coamings. There’s a close fit at the forward apex where the coamings butt onto the keel hauling bracket. That’s because I need space in front of the coamings for a stainless steel bolt and nut to pass through the bracket to act as a spindle for the ball bearing pulley.

I also finished the keyhole arrangement for attaching the keel hauling line to the starboard foredeck.
The two central rubbing strips under the hull, (one before the keel slot, and another after it) will need attaching. I’m beginning to think I should screw and glue them to the bottom of the boat from the inside, so as to avoid making holes that have to be filled after the screws have been tightened.
Soon it will be a matter of painting the interior, including under the decks, except where they will be attached to the hull with epoxy.
Hugh Horton uses a very clever fully adjustable seat in his Bufflehead sailing canoe. He can also move it side to side to help balance the boat.
Thanks Brian,
It certainly is an ingenious seat. I was in correspondence with Hugh about it when I built my 50/50 canoe. I really need one that will give me lateral support. A bucket type seat would do this.
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