Three of the deck panels have been trimmed to the edges of the gunwales, and the starboard forward deck panel has been bonded to the hull. My next tasks will be trimming the recently applied deck panel and smoothing epoxy where it joins the adjacent panel. Then I shall have to make coamings, and fix the central rubbing strips on the bottom of the hull, one in front of the keel, and another after it.

Some thought will be required regarding the coamings, because if I want to add a spray deck I’ll have to work out how to attach it, perhaps with press studs, or elastic under hooks, or a rim that would run along the upper edge of the coamings; I could also choose Velcro.
I had decided to paint the outside of the hull off-white, almost cream International Toplac gloss paint, but I have used what I bought for it when I did the interior. I’m now hesitating about the colour, and I may go for a bolder one to make the boat more visible when at sea. Yellow would be sensible, but it may clash with the red sail. At this stage there’s no need to apply antifouling, because ‘Sharpy’ will not be in the water long enough for marine growth to establish itself on the hull.
I’m still referring to the boat as ‘Sharpy’. However, I can’t name her as such, because the designer’s boat has that name. Naming a boat is not a simple matter, at least, not for me. I want it to be short and appropriate for this boat type. I would also want the name to be expressive regarding the use to which she will be put, i.e., day sailing, camp cruising and possible adventure sailing, depending on how good she turns out to be. I would define ‘adventure sailing’ as short coastal passages and the occasional short offshore venture, such as a trip from Newlyn to St Mary’s, the Scilly Isles.
I must not run before I can walk; therefore I’ll need to take things easily until I know how she performs. I believe I’m right in saying the prototype has never sailed in conditions beyond a Force 4 on inland waters. My version of ‘Sharpy’ is stronger than the designer’s because she has framed frames and her frames are epoxied to the deck panels, making them absolutely watertight. This also stiffens the hull considerably. She’ll be a heavier boat than the prototype.
Well I must say Uncle Bill, she looks stunning. I shall ring you tonight to see if I can arrange a time to come and see it.
Joshua :-)
It was good to see you. Thanks for coming. I'm looking forward to you having a sail in her at Thorpe Bay.
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