I woke to the most uninviting morning of the whole cruise. The sky was overcast, as a constant drizzle shrouded the River Fowey, but gradually the sky lightened and there was a chance I would be away for another day’s sailing to the SW. The forecast was for S or SW 3 to 4, increasing 5 at times, plus occasional rain and fog patches. Still, that wasn’t too bad, and a day at sea would be better than tramping around Fowey. So I cast off the mooring at 0805 and made out to sea using the engine. ‘Ladybird’ was a solitary yacht heading for Dodman Point, 10 miles to the SW. St. Austell Bay to the NW was surprisingly beautiful with veils of cloud partially hiding the clay mountains. A trawler was at work close inshore.
As the day wore on, the wind did materialize at first from the NW which was ideal for sailing our course of 220 degrees. Other yachts appeared astern, and as usual, they overhauled 'Ladybird’ and disappeared beyond the horizon to where we were heading. Our arrival at Dodman Point was a little earlier than I expectant, which meant I had the use the engine at more than half throttle to beat the flooding tide. Beyond the race the water smoothed out and a survey ship stopped almost dead ahead. Having retrieved samples from under the water, the vessel proceeded to the NW. By then , a good many yachts were enjoying the sunshine, and three of them had anchored off Portloo beach for lunch. I simply hove to and enjoyed a break before continuing towards St. Anthony Head. I was surprised by the strength off the now ebbing tide at the Bizzies.
By the time we entered the Fal, the wind was a good Force 3. I took down the mainsail and continued under the Genoa until near the anchorage at Falmouth Town Quay. There were a good many yachts closely anchored. I found a spot ahead of them all in shallow water, but with sufficient space for the day tripper boats to come and go. Steve, aboard his aluminium yacht, 'Lenore’ introduced himself and invited me for a tea without milk. We had a jolly good chat and said we would meet again.
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