On Thursday, 22nd October my article was about my flirtation with Tom MacNaughton’s 19 foot junk rigged, ‘Silver Gull’. She is a graceful little boat with a waterline length of 13 foot, 7 inches and a beam of 6 foot, 6 inches. John Welsford’s perky micro-cruiser, ‘Fafnir’, has a waterline length of 13 foot, 1 inch and a beam of 6 foot, 2 inches. Silver Gull’s displacement is 1,885 lbs and Fafnir’s is 1,430 lbs; so both vessels are very similar in terms of essential dimensions. Waterline length determines maximum speed, and displacement coupled with beam gives an indication of the maximum sailing weight, inclusive of stores and crew, which in the case of Fafnir is 2,420 lbs – no doubt Silver Gull’s maximum sailing weight is similar.
At 19 feet, Silver Gull is far too long to be built in an average sized UK garage, and Fafnir, although short enough, with her beam of 6 foot, 2 inches, is too wide. The width of my garage is 8 foot, 3 inches, which only allows 1 foot either side; therefore building these boats in my garage is out of the question. A temporary cover would have to be erected on the front lawn, but that would not go down well with my wife or my neighbours, which means flirting with either of these vessels is a waste of time, unless a suitable, cheap and nearby location can be found. If my desire for one or other of these maidens is strong enough, I may find a solution. Meanwhile, ‘Ladybird’ and I still have a future together, at least for another season until we have enjoyed a West Country cruise, after which I may tire of her company and she may tire of mine.
John Welsford’s ‘Fafnir’
Duckworks Magazine ‘Fafnir’ article
Tom MacNaughton’s ‘Silver Gull’
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