My day began at 0230 when I woke to take my wife to the airport, and after recuperating I started work on the boat at 1000. Apart from 2 hours spent visiting an unwell person in the afternoon and a ½ hour lunch break, the rest of the day was taken up with cutting and shaping the sheer strakes and chine logs, in addition to preparing them for gluing to the panels.
I could not rely on maintaining a decent temperature in the garage for using epoxy; therefore I arranged my trestles in the lounge. The panels fit there if they are set on the diagonal. To safeguard the carpet I covered the portion that will be used for epoxying with black bin liners. I also covered the upper surfaces of the trestles with bin liners.
Hopefully, I’ll be able to epoxy the chine logs and sheer strakes to the side panels tomorrow.
We are all the same : as soon as there is no wife at home, we start doing forbidden things :-D :-D
There is a thread on this subject on Sailing Anarchy, you should send them a post!
Eric, from France
The English have a saying that when the cat is away the mice do play!
"quand le chat dort, les souris dansent"
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