There were pundits who were sceptical that the young Jesse Watson would make it around the world non-stop, unassisted aboard ‘Ella’s Pink Lady’, but it looks as if they were wrong. Jessica is on the final leg, heading north towards Sydney. She’s had an extraordinarily tough time battling her way along the southern Australian coast and south of Tasmania. The weather has been unkind with gale force winds. She had to hold back, so as not to arrive off the South East Cape of Tasmania when a fierce brew of weather was forecast, but with patience and perseverance she has made good.
There will be a well-deserved reception at Sydney for this very plucky young lady who makes light of what she has accomplished. On arrival there she will become the youngest person to have sailed around the world single-handed non-stop without direct assistance. She has the commonsense to know that she must keep up her guard during the final miles. Times will be trying for her as she will suffer from sleep deprivation and overall tiredness.
I send my congratulations in advance to Jessica, her parents and her support team. Well, done all of you, and especially Jesse.
Jessica Watson Blog
My Blog about Jessica on September 10th 2009
My Blog about Jessica on October 20th 2009
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