One more day, and the adventure begins; that’s if nothing intervenes to prevent or postpone it. My definition of an adventure is conventional, as per the Oxford Dictionary, i.e., an unusual, exciting, and daring experience. Don McIntyre who is skipper aboard the Talisker Bounty Boat re-enacting Bligh’s voyage has a different definition which goes as follows: “An adventure is when one embarks on an enterprise of which the outcome is unknown.” This may not be a verbatim definition, but the gist is there. For sure, Don and his crew are having a very testing adventure, but not without rewards, for although there have been times of danger, drama and tension, there have also been moments of blissful delight and of amazing beauty.
By comparison, my forthcoming adventure aboard ‘Ladybird’ will be less hazardous and less stressful; in fact the plan is to have a pleasurable experience as I once again explore the coastline, anchorages, ports, resorts and marinas of the South Coast of England. If gauged by past experiences, my time will be exciting and there will be an element of danger, but driving my car on the congested roads of Essex, must be far more dangerous. Careful risk assessment can minimize the dangers, and mostly any activity on the yacht can be thought through in advance before being carried out. The limiting factor these days is having less agility than I had in my youth because of my age. I am less fit and less strong than I was at my prime. Mishap, because of carelessness, tiredness or because of being overwhelmed by the sea and adverse weather is the thing most feared. Therefore, in terms of Don McIntyre’s definition, my forthcoming cruise will be adventurous, because the outcome is unknown.
The plan is to spend the month of June working the boat towards the West and Southwest, and to do the return trip during July to the River Crouch. If the winds are favourable, getting as far as Exmouth, Dartmouth or even Plymouth may be possible. I have friends and relatives I wish to visit. Hopefully, we shall enjoy each other’s company and share our news.
Talisker Bounty Boat Website
Bounty Boat Blog
My Blog on the Talisker Bounty Boat Expedition
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