I found time today to take the covers off my Seawych 19 and to set up her rigging and her sails. More about this in tomorrow’s Blog and a slightly upsetting tale.
Today’s yarn is also a little upsetting. I should not get involved in other people’s boats, but right near ‘Ladybird’ there’s ‘Barangoola’, a 36 year old, rebuilt Hunter 19. I mentioned her in a previous Blog about David Blagden and his Hunter 19, ‘Willing Griffin’. (See link below.) As you may know, David raced his little boat across the Atlantic in the 1972 Observer Single-Handed Race. Well ‘Barangoola’ was renovated by volunteers to raise money for the RNLI Burnham-on-Crouch Floating Boathouse Appeal. She was on display at the London Boat Show where people could buy £5 raffle tickets in the hope that they may win her. The Marine Trades Association and numerous marine companies donated money and items to the value of £5,000 for her restoration, and volunteers worked jolly hard to bring about a top-notch finish to the boat.
Altogether, £17,200 was raised as a result of all the effort put in by the people involved. Some lucky person ended up being the owner of ‘Barangoola’, plus a trailer, a set of oilskins, lifejackets and up to £400 of RYA training. I never expected to see the boat again back at Burnham, but the sad thing is that whoever owns her, does not appear to be interested her. Today her cockpit was awash with rainwater, which was only inches from the companionway step. I certainly would not like to see the boat ruined by water entering the cabin, and I shall take the initiative of pumping the water out to prevent this happening. Giving the new owner the benefit of the doubt, it could be that he or she is unaware of the problem. I’m surprised the owner of the boatyard where she is stored has not done anything about it.
'Willing Griffin'
London Boat Show Article
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