Ann Davison was the first woman to sail alone across the Atlantic. She did it aboard a small double-ended wooden sloop in 1952. For a summary of her voyage you can see my article ‘Felicity Ann’, by visiting the link at the bottom of the page, but you would do well to first visit two Sliderocket presentations prepared and presented by Karen Gale telling of the restoration of Ann Davison’s record-breaking yacht.
Penelope Partridge is leading a team of women in Port Hadlock, Washington, to restore the yacht.
Introduction to the Project
History behind the Project
Karen has entered her Sliderocket presentation in a competition, which if she wins, could net $10,000 towards the restoration of ‘Felicity Ann’.
The yacht is being restored under the guidance of the Northwest School of Wooden Boat Building under their Community Boat Project scheme.
Karen Gale can be contacted at:
Aloft Images
Located in the loft of 637 Water Street
(Lobby of The Water Street Hotel/Pacific Traditions)
Port Townsend, Washington 98368
Email: karengale.aloft@gmail.com
Text for the Day
Ephesians 6:24 ‘Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.’
Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding
Community Boat Project
‘Felicity Ann’
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