I had intended to have at least another day in Poole Harbour, but the wind and tide were absolutely perfect for a run to the Solent. After leaving Poole Quay Boat Haven, I hoisted sail and cut the engine. From thereon I enjoyed a fantastic sail across Poole Bay on a course of 080 degrees heading for North Head Buoy 16 miles away. With the force 3 wind coming over the starboard quarter ‘Ladybird’ had no difficulty in making over the ebbing tide. At first I steered through the channel close to the beach at Sandbanks where the most expensive houses in the UK are situated. From them the occupants have a view overlooking Poole Bay towards the Isle of Wight in the very far distance.
As I expected, there was a turbulence of water over the shallows extending from Christchurch. There I reefed the Genoa to make the ride comfortable. The weather was perfect for sailing - the wind being a force 3 to 4 alternated from astern to broad on the beam. With the aid of my chart GPS I was able to steer towards North Head Buoy where we arrived at 1230. The ebb was still running through the narrows between Fort Albert on the Isle of Wight and Hurst Point Fort on the mainland to my port.
There was a perfect anchorage in the shallows to the northeast of Hurst Point where I dropped the hook so that I could rest and have time to work out where to spend the night. The anchorage where I was, was a little too exposed for an overnight stop. After having a snooze I unfurled the Genoa and headed towards Yarmouth. By then the tide was flooding and good speed was made along the Island shore until we arrived at the entrance of Newton Creek. The opening looked impossibly narrow, but when we went through it the water was about 5 meters in depth. The anchorage to the south of Fishhouse Point was quite full; however, there was a spot that I quickly grabbed. Since anchoring there, a several yachts have arrived and they have all have found places to set their anchors.
I’m hoping I’ll have a quiet night, which could be the case if the wind dies down. The Harbour Master came by in his launch and somehow he didn’t see ‘Ladybird’ when collecting his dues. The fact that she is the smallest visiting yacht could have something to do with his blind spot, for which I’m grateful.
my name is Gianfi; i have this blog www.culturamarinara.blogspot.com
I want to tell you the great news of today that is Alessandro is arrived
in France with his mini6,50!
I like your blog and if you want we can exchange our links.
Best Regards
Thank you Gianfi for letting me know that Alessandro has completed his circumnavigation. Also thank you for giving me your blog address.
Best wishes,
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