I have had surprisingly little time for playing with the boat; perhaps tomorrow will be different. However, I’ve made some progress towards preparing ‘Sandpiper’ for the water. My priority is to finish transforming her overlarge jib into a furling one of the right size. All that remains to be done is a small amount of stitching. I have reshaped the leech and removed a section of cloth near the top. Hopefully, the sail will be finished by tomorrow morning and I will test it with the furling gear.

I strengthened the slightly cracked furling drum by placing a jubilee clip around its upper section - in fact, this remedial action has made the drum stronger than when it was manufactured.

I can now raise and lower the mast easily and quickly by using the tabernacle. At first I thought this could not be done, because the cleats were in the way, but I discovered that as long as I placed the mast on the centre line between the upright sides of the tabernacle, the system worked. After it has been set up, wooden cheeks are slotted into place either side to prevent it moving.
By tightening the shroud lanyards when the mast has been raised I may be able to satisfactorily provide sufficient tension on the forestay to ensure that the jib furling rod rotates effortlessly. Ideally, I should have new shrouds made to the correct length to eliminate the lanyards.

‘Talitha’, my roof rack keelboat needs to be sold, as I do not have room for two boats. I am open to offers. Please get in touch by phoning me at 07588288060 or email me: barnacleid at yahoo dot co dot uk.
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