I could not let this day go by without mentioning Roz Savage who hopes to complete her epic row across the Indian Ocean before nightfall today. In so doing she will become the first woman to have rowed all three major oceans, the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Indian.
On 14th March, 2006 she completed her Atlantic saga, having been at sea for 103 days. She set out again from Crescent City, California on 12th August, 2007, to row the Pacific. After a three stage voyage, stopping at Hawaii and Tuvalu, she set foot at Madang, Papua New Guinea on 8th May, 2010.
Not satisfied with rowing thus far, she again put out to sea; this time from Freemantle, Australia, in April, 2011. Her objective was to row the Indian Ocean. After problems with gear and having to return to port; undaunted, she put to sea for a second time. The destination of her planned port of arrival was kept secret, on account of the possibility of piratical activity, but now we know it to be Grand Baie, Mauritius. To date, she has been at sea for 153 days! Very wisely, she chose not to put into port on 2nd October, because her arrival would have been in the dark. Hopefully, she will set foot on terra firma today.
Well done Roz. I know that by rowing the three great oceans for your passionate love of Planet Earth and the creatures thereon, including fellow humans, you have made a difference. As a result, thousands of people now take action by recycling when possible and by reducing carbon footprints through changed lifestyles. Thank you.
Roz Savage
Roz Savage
My previous Blogs for Roz
All best today!
Jay [Team Roz]
That's brilliant. You all deserve more than a pat on the back.
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