I have been trying to gather information about Sir Henry Pigott’s single-handed circumnavigation of the world in the 19’ 8” junk-rigged yacht, ‘Glory 2’. As far as I can remember, he had already crossed the Atlantic in a Mirror Offshore 19’yacht. I know that he completed his circumnavigation aboard ‘Glory 2’ in 1985, and at that time his yacht was the smallest to have done it. Two years later, in 1987, Serge Testa took the record from him, when he completed a 3 year circumnavigation aboard the 12’ ‘Acrohc Australis’.
There’s very little information out there in Cyberspace about Henry’s small Colvic Motorsailer. I think he bought the hull and built everything else. Apparently, she was flush-decked with no cockpit, and she could be managed from inside the doghouse. You can see from the poor photo above, she had a single Hasler junk sail.
I believe the Junk Rig Association Newsletters, numbers 27, 28, 36 and 47 contain articles featuring Henry and his famous yacht. Sadly as far as I am aware, the JRA does not publish their Newsletters online, and I do not have access to them. Apparently, the Practical Boat Owner magazine published an article with photos of ‘Glory 11’, but again, I do not have a copy. I came across a posting at one Yahoo Group that said in addition to sailing around the world in ‘Glory 11’, Henry had crossed the Atlantic 6 times! Also he sails to the Shetlands every year from Poole to visit his daughter who lives there.
I am not certain, but I believe Henry has roots in Hampshire, UK. I speak in the present tense, because I assume he is still alive, probably in his 90s. He has owned other junk-rigged vessels in addition to ‘Glory 2’. Somewhere I read that he had sailed six times around England and Scotland, but on the last occasion he broke his leg, and it is now so full of metal that it plays up his compass. You can’t believe all you read, but there may be some truth in it.
Any information you can give me about Henry and his boats will be gratefully received, especially photos of the ‘Glory 2’.
the yahoo corribee group have jpegs from an article about piggots circumnavigation in the watson. I found them while trying to find out more about his atlantic crossing in the mirror (I have a mirror offshore)
I have seen the article about piggot preparing the mirror for the atlantic crossing, but if you have anymore info about it I would be interested.
here is the link to the group:
Dont know if you are still looking, but we are in sporadic contact with Sir Henry. I can probably find you a photo of him. I believe he still sails - up to Shetland etc. Indeed he is based near the Solent in the UK. He is in his mid 90s now.
forgot to say, you can find us on our website - www.yachtfoxglove.com
All the Junk Rig Association newsletters and magazines are available for download to members at http://junkrigassociation.org/magazine_downloads
Issue 27 has a short article without pictures. I didn't find anything in issue 28. Issue 36 reports on a break-in and theft from Glory. I didn't see anything in issue 47. These are based on a quick skim-through though.
Other JRA members may have more information if you ask on the forums.
I had the pleasure of spending time with Sir Henry when he sailed into San Diego California. He then set sail for a trip around the Horn but was way laid with food poisoning and was unable to complete that voyage. He did give me his last will and testament in 1993 and on my return to the UK in 2000 met Henry and his daughter in a pub and gave him back his will still in the sealed brown paper envelope that I had kept in my chart table. Henry told me many tales of his life afloat.
I do not get any response now from emails or phone. I assume he is still around as listed as the Baronet.
Yes I am still alive thi is Henry of Glory if you want to know anything agoutvGlory or myself my email is pigott.henry@googlemail.com
This is Henry Pigott of Glory 11 this is my email address pigott.henry@googlemail.com I would like to help you with any questions you would like to ask me
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