I recently wrote about my new address book which superseded the old one. Many names that had been in the old book became erased with the passing of time. There was no place for them in the new book. These were people who had departed this life, or who had moved, or those with whom I had lost touch for various reasons.
Well, today I attended the funeral of a friend I had known for at least six years. She contracted a disease that progressively paralysed the muscles of her body. She became a paraplegic but maintained her dignity. Never did she lose her love for people, not just for those who helped her manage her life, but for all human beings. Whenever we met, she always had a welcoming smile and invariably asked about my family. She genuinely was concerned for their welfare and wanted to know about each individual.
Her transition from this world to the next marked the passing of an era. At the age of fifteen she started playing the organ of the church she first attended, and for over seventy years she continued to do so, Sunday, after Sunday, until her malfunctioning muscles prevented her from doing what she dearly loved. Eventually, she became so weakened that she could not leave her home. As the end drew near, adequate care for her needs could only be found in a nursing home. Even there, while suffering muscular spasms, she would ask about my family. Never did she want to talk about herself.
She was one of those rare selfless people whose life is defined by service for others. At her passing, it was the world’s loss, for she was one who cared for the lost - those who do not know her precious Jesus, the One who came to serve.
Text for the Day
Matthew 20:28 ‘The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.’
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