As good as his word, my friend turned up this morning and replaced the bearings of ‘Talitha’s’ trailer. Furthermore, he gave me a 3.2 kilogram folding anchor and a length of galvanised chain for it. He also let me have two wide wheels, an axel and two narrow wheels for a trolley that will clamp onto ‘Talitha’s’ skeg. The wide wheels would be better for use on sand or pebbles, but they are quite large. The narrow ones look neater; however, they would not be suitable for use on soft surfaces such as sand or gravel. I’ll have to make up my mind, which ones to go for.

I tried the spray cover and it looked as if it will be O.K. I think I shall fit into it quite snugly and it should protect me from the wind, rain and spray.

This afternoon I removed a rusted shackle from the anchor and I cleaned the anchor. I must set up an anchoring system and find a place for stowing it. Most probably I’ll put the anchor and warp in one of the side bins. I’ll also have a sponge and a small scrubbing brush for getting rid of mud and weed on the anchor and warp. One of my daughters gave me a folding canvas bucket that may be a suitable container for the anchoring gear.
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