As I came near to finishing ‘Talitha’ I did a mental calculation as to how much she must have cost to build, and it amounted to £1,500 approximately. The actual figure, including miscellaneous items associated with the boat, was very nearly £1,600. This figure includes payment for the road trailer lighting board and associated wiring. I paid nothing for the trailer, as it was a gift.
I only worked with the best materials, as usual, because I do not find satisfaction in making a boat that does not meet my standards of acceptability. A vessel correctly constructed with marine ply, if lovingly maintained, should have a working life of perhaps thirty years.
Timber and plywood amounted to £466.19; the sail cost £285.00, and surprisingly, chandlery items, including rope and paint set me back £460.42. Adhesives and epoxy worked out at £93.87. They would have been more, but I had epoxy in hand from when I built ‘Faith’.
Was she worth it? Of course she was. I’m very pleased with her, and I am looking forward to enjoying what she offers me by way of adventures, because every outing is an adventure, whether it is sailing on my local river, or a distant venue. That’s an advantage a small portable vessel has over a larger one that can only reach new places by sailing the long way, or by special arrangement overland.
My heart goes out to those who bog themselves down with ownership of large boats that drain their pockets, steal their time, cause problems and often bring little satisfaction. Whenever I visit a marina, I observe these ‘poor’ people maintaining their possessions, labouring, polishing, painting and often struggling with fixing the ship’s engine.
Take it from, me; sell your monster; go small and enjoy.