Today I was unable to spend a great deal of time on the boat, but I was able to sand the bottom, plus finish shaping the bottom edges of the keel box, and apply a fillet to the mainsheet collar. The temperature was a little low for working with epoxy; however, by having the blow heater near the spot, the temperature will be more than adequate to facilitate the chemical process of gelling and hardening. I’ll check it tonight, before going to bed.

The interior of the keel box, where I have sanded it, will have to be coated with epoxy. I shall have to take care not to leave any dribbles of epoxy, because they could jam the keel. I made a fillet around the mainsheet collar to strengthen the bond which could be subjected to sudden loads when the sheet tightens, as during a gybe.
There’s a temptation to delay finishing the boat because of satisfaction gained while building her. On the other hand, there’s a part of my mind encouraging me to finish her as quickly as I can for the prospect of sailing her. The knotty question of adding or not adding GRP tape to the chines remains. I wish I could make up my mind. Commonsense tells me to do it to protect the chines for when the boat will be in contact with a beach, but at the same time, I know that performance and appearance will not be as good if tape is epoxied to the chines.
Would it be possible to add a hardwood runner to the chine? With your paradox experience, could a hardwood runner protect the edge, look much better than tape, be replaceable, and ADD to performance.
Trying to help Bill!
Just watching 5 SAS fast power boats slicing across the bay - it's been blowing 30 knots all afternoon - do they care!
Hi Brian,
Hardwood runners would help protect the chines where they are particularly vulnerable. So much would depend on where they would be placed. I don't know enough about the effects on performance with regard to shape and position to come up with a design. Two simple, short straight runners, one on each side near respective chines might be the answer. I would have to seek the opinion of one who knows about these things.
Many thanks,
Hi Bill, Sorry to hear you seem so bogged down on this. Taping the chine would be the obvious and common way (Think of all those thousands of Mirror Dinghies!)It occurs you could also utilise the brass (Aluminium) keel band we have used for eons on our small boats. Just work out on the front lawn where the points of wear would be. Or am I being too simplistic?
Thanks Paul,
You are right. I have been 'bogged down' considering the matter of taping. Common sense has prevailed, causing me to opt for doing the taping. I'd rather be sailing, but I must be patient.
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