A dull afternoon with heavy showers didn’t inspire me for more creative work on ‘Sharpy’, but I persevered and carried out the necessary sanding of the bottom of the boat, including both rubbing strips and the skeg.
I am having second thoughts about sheathing ‘Sharpy’s’ chines with GPR tape because there’s a chance that the finish will look untidy. I know what is entailed, having done similar chines. To obtain a good finish one has to fill the roving with epoxy paste and keep sanding it until a smooth surface is achieved. I don’t relish the physical labour. On the other hand, I know that if the boat is to be launched off a beach, particularly a stony one, her chines could be damaged. Reason may prevail over my reluctance to do the fibreglassing, persuading me to do it.

At this stage of the game, I want to be sailing my new boat, rather than building her. So far, I have worked hard at maintaining the highest standard of craftsmanship of which I am capable, and it would be silly to cut corners. I must be patient, especially if I’m not to be disappointed with the end result. My disposition is important; therefore I must not let my feelings bring about an unsatisfactory outcome.
Hi Bill, would it be feasible to just install a sacrificial chine runner to protect the ply where the side and bottom meet?
Good morning master Bill!
I writed a new post about your dear "Sharpy". It will be on line today at 18 h of Cabo Frio.
If you don't like it, tell me please and I will delet it.
Congratulations by your courage and
have a nice day!
Paul, Thank you.
I thought of adding rubbing strips near the chines, and the designer agreed that it could be done, but I have no idea how performance would be affected. If I were to add a sacrificial chine runner, that too could affect performance.
I was pleasantly surprised that the chine runners on my Paradox did not suffer badly, even though they were strongly built with 3 layers of tape over hardwood.
That's a point in favour of adding chine runners, but I wouldn't want to take the risk of adding them to 'Sharpy'. If they proved to be a hindrance I would have to remove them.
Getting the keel in the box requires rolling the boat on her side, or placing her on her side. When the keel is fully inserted into the box, the boat is righted. A chine runner would not help the procedure, and its edge could be vulnerable.
The option of encapsulating the chines with tape would appear to be the best solution for protecting the chines. In time, if the tape becomes worn, more could be added.
Fernando, Thank you.
Please would you give me the address of your website again.
My pleasure master Bill!
Here it is!
Good WE!
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