Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Varnishing bits of 'Ladybird'

Bits in the box room

Another splendid sunny day has made if possible for me to do a good many things such as get rid of the of the hedge trimmings, rose pruning and unwanted bulbs etc., that my wife accumulated yesterday, besides cutting the lawns and, most importantly, varnish ‘Ladybird’s’ rudder stock, tiller and two washboards. The latter activity required a little diplomacy, because I set up the items for varnishing in the kitchen where it was warm. I thought I was going to get away with it, but my better half caught one whiff of the Blakes varnish, and she made it clear that she disapproved. She obviously found the smell obnoxious. To me, it was pure joy. As I inhaled the decongestant my sinuses were cleared, and I felt great, but to address my wife’s concern I opened the kitchen windows for the ‘fumes’ to disperse, then I transferred everything to the upstairs box room. That’s where I should have set up the items for varnishing in the first place.

All’s well that ends well. Love and peace reign.

Blakes Classic Varnish

Blakes Classic Varnish warrants a mention, because it is so good. Words printed on the tin’s label state that it is a ‘Traditional varnish containing tung oil for an uncompromising finish’. Apparently this oil comes from the pressed nuts of tung trees, and when exposed to air it dries with a transparent plastic-like surface. I have used Blakes Classic Varnish on my previous yachts, preferring it to other brands. I find that this tung oil varnish flows smoothly from the brush, covers very well and adheres to previous layers. Unlike some varnishes, it does not flake off when attacked by the sun.


Tung Oil


Blakes Classic Varnish (£18.38 for 750 ml)


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