Further to my blog of Saturday, 13th August ‘Sven Yrvind Sails Again’, here are a few more words. He is currently sailing across the Atlantic from Madeira to Fort-de-France.
Sven holds strong opinions about the merits of small boats over those of large ones, and he expresses his beliefs by putting them into practice. He crosses oceans in small boats of his own design and making. He is a gifted boat designer and an original thinker, but he is conservative when it comes to keeping in touch with the outside world. He cherishes being alone. For him, there’s no better or happier place than to be on a speck of a boat in the middle of a vast ocean. There he is in tune with the rhythms of nature.

Sven makes one concession with the outside world, and that’s his Spot Tracker which records his position on an interactive digital chart. By simple arithmetic, the speed of his yacht can be calculated. Distance from his starting point and distance to his intended landfall can also be calculated. If he maintains his average speed, he can predict his expected time of arrival. Yesterday he passed the halfway point. For him that may have been a time for celebration, but also one for sadness, for he knows that each passing day will leave him with less time for communing with the invisible Spirit.
The illustrations are cropped photos of my computer screen.
Text for the Day
Colossians 1:15 – 17 ‘He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.’
Interactive Spot Tracker Map
Analysis of Sven’s Position as defined by Spot Tracker
Yrvind 4.1 An article about Sven’s smaller boat built before the current one.
Spot Tracker
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