On Thursday, 18th June, we set off for Cala Sahona on the Isla Formentera. It was a superbly beautiful sunny morning. The cala did not disappoint us. It had the most wonderful, aquamarine water for swimming which was rather cool, but superlatively refreshing. I enjoyed my time in the water there more than at any other place during the cruise. Because the water was calm with no swell, I plucked up courage and climbed the mast for aerial photography.

Cala Sahona is known as a resort for naturists, i.e., those who enjoy being completely naked with others equally enthusiastic on doing the same. As I went for my customary walk I had to cross the naturist beach and I could not but notice a few nude people among the majority who preferred wearing costumes or sun suits. In my youth when I trained as an artist, I regularly drew and painted from the nude; therefore I was not unprepared for what I saw, but some of those examples of humanity at Cala Sahona were not as well-proportioned as the Art School models. I thought it would have been far kinder to others on the beach if they had sunned themselves in private, because they were grossly ugly. I know that it is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but of those I saw by chance in the course of my walk, as far as my eye could judge, none of them could be described as beautiful.

Different countries have different values and traditions, but I was appalled when I saw goats tethered by ropes around their necks attached to stakes, and with chains linking their hind legs to restrict their movements. Presumably, this was to prevent them straying, and from eating vegetation beyond the scope allowed by the ropes. How they found water I do not know, because none was provided. Perhaps they were given drink by the farmer now and again? Water may have been a key issue on the Island, because there were several rain traps that drained into underground reservoirs. I noted the vegetation was exceedingly dry.

Cala Sahona is a veritable feast for the eyes, and I recollect trying to explain to Gordon that I am essentially a person who is tuned into visual things. Over the course of my life I have worked hard at improving my verbal skills, but they fall short of what I believe they should be, especially when I compare them to the skills of my peers. The fact that I was fortunate to attend a grammar school may have helped. On the other hand, because of my difficulty with words, one might say dyslexia; I may have been better placed at a secondary modern school. Who knows? The point of my theme is that I was entranced with many of the things I saw at Cala Sahona. I spent ages assiduously observing the wonderful myriad shapes, textures, patterns, reflections and refraction of light. I was enthralled with the underwater images. They were astonishingly captivating, pulsating patterns of reflected and refracted light. I observed the sandy seabed, which appeared to forever move like dancing, writhing snakes. The vision penetrated my inner being as if it and I were one. I was so entranced and joined to this display of nature that I felt the Creator and I were having a joyful dance together. The scene was one of scintillating sparkling light in colours and hues beyond imagining. How I praised God for my very being and His wonderful love.
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