Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Additions to this Blog

Trying my Paradox sailboat for the first time

I have been playing around with the presentation of this Blog. To improve what is offered, I’ve added a really good search engine. You can find it at the very bottom of the page. Whatever you are looking for, be it a single word or a phrase, key in the word or phrase into the search box, and hey presto! Most probably something pertinent will turn up. Well done Google. You have done a good job.

Now try it yourself. If you are interested in ‘canoes’, for example, type the word into the search box; then click ‘Search’, and there you are. Links to the appropriate postings appear at the very top of the page. You’ll have to scroll to the VERY TOP to find them. Utterly amazing! By the way, you can delete your findings by clicking the delete symbol at the top right-hand corner. Try your hand at other searches. To date there are 891 entries from which you can gather information. Most of my articles are on the subject of small sailing craft and related matters, and many others reveal my personal interests, concerns and opinions.

Another new feature that I’ve recently added is the email facility. If you happen to like a particular article, you can easily email a link to your friends by clicking the email icon at the end of that entry. To see how it works, have a go at sending an email containing the link to your own inbox.

I’m open to suggestions regarding improving my Blog; therefore please drop me a line in the comments section. In this regard, I am aware that a few people have found difficulty in registering with, which is a requirement before one can use the comments feature. Somehow, I feel Blogspot should make it easier for people to participate, thereby improving the interactive nature of the Blog and encouraging more people to join Blogspot.

Incidentally, I’ve being trying to add a Twitter button my Blog, but I’ve not been successful. If you know how I can do it, please tell me.

To find me on Twitter, visit and enter ‘barnacleid’ without the inverted commas, into the search box at the top of the page. That should open my Twitter homepage where you can find my latest postings and those of people and organisations I follow. You could join Twitter too, and we could easily ‘chat’ about things in common. Twitter is a bit of an eye-opener, because through it you have access to millions of people around the world. One of the most active members is ‘Sailing News Magazine’ with links to features reporting on the sailboat racing scene – amazing photographs and videos.

P.S. A follower at Twitter told me how to add a Twitter button to the blog, and it works for me, so it should for you. I'm looking forward to hearing from you in Twitter Land.



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