Sometimes things don’t go as planned, and that happened today. I thought I would be able make the backing pads for the side panel butt joints, shape the inner stem post and build the two part transom. In fact I didn’t get around to doing any of them. Instead I reshaped the side panels and worked out where the frames would be joined to them.
The other day when I cut the side panels I thought there was something wrong with them, because the chine edges didn’t flow smoothly. Today, when I checked their measurements I discovered the aft side panels were too wide. I had inadvertently made the ends that will join the transom too long, and as the bottom corner where it joins the transom was a datum point the measurements for making the chine line were out. Fortunately, I was able to trim the panels to rectify the matter.
Before it got dark I was able to clean up the frames by using a file to remove dribbles of hardened epoxy. I finished them by lightly planning their edges and sanding them.
I’m not going to make any predictions when or what I shall do next, because nothing is certain in this life. One minute I can be fine, the next, I may be on my back with flu. With that in mind, boatbuilding is an adventure. An adventure is something started that has an unknown end. The outcome cannot be guaranteed! ........... Oh, only the other day, I likened building a boat to being on a trek of a thousand miles which is accomplished by taking one step at a time, and as long the walker keeps stepping forwards he will reach his journey’s end. On that basis I can be certain that I shall complete the boat if I keep working at it, but I can’t be certain I’ll keep going!
Hello Bill! Excellent this serie of posts telling the construction of your sharp Sharpy. I talked baout you with my readers today! Look!
By amazing coincidence my dream is to build the "Ariel" (in homage to Shakespeare, ever heard of him?) Very similar to your "Sharpy".
Right now I'm starting to build the "Joy" and learning a lot from you!
Thanks a lot for the lessons and good winds!
Fernando from the far Cabo Frio, Brazil, South Atlantic
Saw the first 3D images of my darling "Morning Star"?
Well, thanks Fernando. I'm glad you are finding my Blog useful. Best wishes for your projects and congratulations on your Blog.
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