Max, who owns the splendid Bursledon Blog* website, mentions in a comment to yesterday’s article about Swallow Boat’s BayCruiser 20 that he was in correspondence with Julian who owns the BayCruiser 20, ‘Daisy Grace’. Julian is keen to compare his boat with Max’s newly acquired Drascombe Coaster, and Max is looking forward to seeing Julian’s boat. I’m sure Max will do an article about their meeting, and I for one, will be interested in reading it.

Well, he has set my mind on researching the Drascombe Coaster. I was taken aback when I did a Google, because of the mass of information available on the subject of Drascombe boats. I’m not going to list them all here, because you can find a collation of their details at the Drascombe Association website.
For an in-depth description of the attributes of the Drascome Coaster, have a look at Tom Colville’s masterful presentation: http://www.drascombe-association.org.uk/coastview.htm .
As far as I can see, there are two UK distributors/builders of the Drascombe Coaster, namely Churchouse Boats and Honnor Marine. You can’t fail to be gripped by their presentations which describe the qualities of these characterful craft. When I say you will be ‘gripped’ with what you’ll see, I don’t mean in terms of website wizardry, but with the quality of the boats.

Photos are by courtesy of ‘Boats and Outboards for Sale’ and they are copied from this advert which gives details of a Drascombe Coaster that has been sold: http://www.boatsandoutboards.co.uk/view/PAA2390

LOA 21’ 9” (6.63 m)
Beam 6’ 7” (2 m)
Weight 1060 lbs (480 kg)
Sail Area 164 sq ft (15.22 sq m)
*Bursledon Blog
Drascombe by Churchouse Boats
Honnor Marine Drascombes
Drascombe Association
Drascombe Coaster (Personal View by Tom Colville)
Drascombe Coaster "Aquarius" Renovation Project
Specifications of some Drascombes
Drascombe Coaster Struner @ ijsselmeer, nl
Drascombe NL 2008 Summer Meeting Grevelingen
Peter Duggan’s Website
Great Scottish Drascombe Cruise, 1995, by Peter Duggan
Boats and Outboards for Sale (Sold Coaster)
Bill, thanks for the mention, it was Tom's description of the Coaster that finally prompted me to buy a Coaster after many years - she's under snow and winter covers right now but we're looking forward to a summer of simple sailing or even just running her up on East Head for use as a mobile beach hut!!
I carried out a search on Google of Drascombe Coaster images and I was quite surprised to find pictures of my Coaster from the Boats and Outboards website. I purchased her in April 2010 and I did note that the advert did stay on the web for some time afterwards. The Coaster is named "Moksha" and I have had a good year modifying and maintaining her. I have taken her to the Solent West Wales and the West Country. I have found that she sails a lot better than the Drascombe Lugger I had before and that the accommodation although small is ideal for weekends away. She is well proven and the Drascombe Association is a wonderful social group to meet and discuss our boats. The BayCruiser 20 is a fine boat and I agree with your comments but they are expensive as they can only be obtained brand new. Please have a look at my blog for Moksha.http://drascombecoastermoksha.blogspot.com/
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