Sunday, August 14, 2005

Laminating Deck Beams (8)

Three deck beams have been finished; one needs sanding; one is on the jig while the epoxy sets, and two more are ready for the epoxy stage - in three more days they could all be finished.

Although wasteful with the epoxy and plywood, I did as Don Elliott suggests, that’s to make all the deck beams the same length, ready for cutting to size when attaching them to the hull. It would be a fiddly business to cut them to length before placing them on the jig. As it is, each batten is almost identical to the others, and therefore they can be fitted where necessary according to the plans.

What’s the next small item I can make? Perhaps I could have a go at the stem or the rudder. I need to give it some thought, as I do not want to restrict my movement in the garage by assembling the hull too early, but there would be nothing to stop me cutting the bulkheads and preparing them with their cleats and floors.

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