Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Botter Yacht

Are you looking for a houseboat with a good sailing performance? This one was for sale, but she was snapped up by somebody who is mooring her at Burnham-on-Crouch.

The advertisement* shows the 1920, 13.6 metres Botter in her previous colours. The boat I photographed is, without a doubt, the same one.

I just hope the sails being used to protect her from the elements are not her number one sails, because they will not survive long with that sort of treatment.

Incidentally, the winning boat** of the Transat 6.50 second leg, ‘Teamwork Evolution’, had a scow-shaped bow – nothing new there. They will be using leeboards next!

Text for the Day

John 5:24 ‘”Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.”’


*Botter Yacht – sold £17,500

**’Teamwork Evolution’ – Winner of the Transat 6.50 Second Leg

Open Botter Yacht – virtual image

Restored Botter Yachts at Veere

Traditional restored Botter Yacht

Zaanse Botter for Sale £30,220

Botter Yacht for Sale – Euros 72,500

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