
Thursday, August 13, 2015

No Boating – Incredibly Active

Boathouse window frame modification

Boathouse brickwork pointing

Finishing patio storage space

When coastal sailing I generally keep a working log, but if things become hectic for whatever reason, and my attention has to be on handling the boat, it becomes impossible to maintain a log.

A parallel situation has arisen at home, because I have been incredibly active, so active that I’ve not been able to find time for writing the blog.  There hasn’t exactly been extreme pressure for this, because many of my efforts have been voluntarily self-imposed. I’ve wanted to put lots of things straight for a long time, both large and small – jobs requiring attention that I’ve put off because of more pressing matters, or simply because I did not feel like tackling them.

As the time approaches for a family get-together, so the pressure and demand has increased. With visitors already in the house, time has to be dovetailed into their schedule of activities. More visitors are arriving tomorrow.

My next planned boating is for a couple of days away, possibly three, starting next Wednesday – more about that, after the event, if it goes ahead.


  1. Bill,

    Liking the vintage Workmate -- they don't make them like they used to, that's for sure. Good luck with the visitors and looking forward to the sailing news.


  2. Thank you Stephen. The Workmate has served me well, Having used it to build four boats and to make various things from wood and metal, it is falling apart.

