
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

No Boating – Incredibly Active – Part 2

The chef

The beginnings of a feast

Before the arrival of guests

The children being entertained

Much activity preceded the planned family gathering, and on the morning of the great event it was no longer a jog, but a sprint to the finish before the arrival of our guests.

The chief chef had been at work from the rising of the sun. This expert, gourmet barbecue cook prepared and roasted veggies and meats in order and on time fit for a king’s luncheon with his nobles, ladies and gentlemen.

The weather was perfect and the event was a great success.


  1. The word Whanau (The Maori word for Family) has become pretty much an interchangeable word here is Northland. The expression usually is "Whanau is really important" - and it is!
    Congratulations on the military precision of your preparations. Being well organised on land and sea is a vertue / virtue.

  2. Thanks Alden,

    Family is important. The chef was very disciplined and precise. His schedule was based on experience gained from doing many barbecues.


  3. Bill,

    So good to see that the Great Patio of Essex has been put to such fine use. Hope you enjoy many more family feasts.

