
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Every Little Helps – Part 2

Three small slabs laid today

A few more small slabs left to do

It’s been one of those days when events have prevented me from doing a great deal towards completing the patio. However, the rain held off this afternoon, allowing me to lay three small slabs. Hopefully, I’ll be able to do more tomorrow.

'Pike' seen from the bedroom window

The incentive of being able to take ‘Pike’ for a sail is there for finishing the patio as soon as possible, and ‘every little helps’ towards that end.

The Great Wall of China was not built in a day, and the same will be said regarding the Great Patio of Essex!


Every Little Helps

Great Wall of China


  1. Bill,

    I wonder if the Great Patio of Essex is visible from space too!


  2. Stephen,

    Google Earth has yet to update the view of my garden from space, but as my shed is clearly visible, without a doubt, the gleaming white landing pad for alien spacecraft will be seen.

