
Friday, July 03, 2015

Bitty Day, but the prospect of a day sail


Gravel in bags

Gravel distributed

Joins before tidying

Joins after tidying

Because of having to do various things with my wife before she set off on her mini-break to Italy, this was one of those days when I could not set aside any length of time for working on the patio. I was able to collect more sand and gravel from B&Q and Wicks, and afterwards to lay down the gravel to make a more even surface at the correct height in preparation for laying sand for the next row of paving slabs. Hopefully I’ll be able to do another six slabs tomorrow, so as to bring me more than halfway through the task of laying about 65 in total.

Another little job done today was tidying a few remaining joins between infill slabs by the garden shed. The more such jobs done now, the less there will be to do later. I have a desire to finish the patio as soon as I can so that I can go sailing with 'Pike', but there is a chance that I may be able to have a day sail this coming Monday aboard ‘Temagani’ which would be a treat.

‘Temagami’, a Lovely Gaff Cutter – Part 1

‘Temagami’, a Lovely Gaff Cutter – Part 2

Pike Skiff designed by Iain Oughtred

1 comment:

  1. Hello Bill, you're certainly making great strides with the patio. To be sure,you've certainly earned a day off for a sail on Temagami. It's1.35am, and I'm very wakeful aboard Minnow, thanks to a quite spectacular thunderstorm. Having dropped down through the lock about four hours ago I decided to moor up for the night and fortunately haven't put the mast up.
