
Sunday, July 19, 2015

A Distraction – Part 2

The patio didn’t get a look in.

The whole day was spent with the youngest grandchildren. I could hardly call the experience relaxing or restful, but it was fun and quite noisy.

This morning there was a special service of thanksgiving at the church for God’s provision and faithfulness to one of our elders who has stepped down from eldership after many years of dedicated service. Afterwards, and into the afternoon, we enjoyed a fellowship meal. The children, along with others made their own entertainment by happily playing together in a separate room.

Before returning to their home, we took them to the local fire station where there was an open day with supervised activities for youngsters. They loved having a go with a fire hose and dressing up in fireman’s clothing.

Back at their home I played lawn football with them. Needless to say, they ran circles around me and I had to pace myself so as not to get out of breath. They also played with their toys and they had a game of Monopoly. A final meal and a bath brought their activities to an end, at which time they were reunited with their parents.

I’m glad it went that way, because I had a good break from building the patio, but there are a few more bricks to be laid, and tomorrow might see me in action to bring the project to a close.


A Distraction

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