
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Not How? But Why?

Big Bang Theory?

Eddie Redmayne is in the news for receiving two prestigious best film actor awards - firstly from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, and secondly from The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, commonly known as the Oscars Academy. He portrayed Stephen Hawking in the film, ‘The Theory of Everything’.

Stephen is both a physicist and cosmologist. He has devoted his life to working on theories explaining the origin of the universe and the nature of life. As far as I understand it, these theories substantiate his belief that there are four forces underpinning existence. He also believes there is a single, over-arching theory, a ‘Theory of Everything’, upon which the other theories can hang. It has been his quest to discover this fundamental theory. He thinks it will provide a definitive answer to the question of how the universe came into being.

Time is running out for him. Not only is he getting older, but he suffers from a rare and crippling form of motor neuron disease.

Sadly, many people are like Stephen. They spend their entire lives asking wrong questions, and it’s no surprise when they come up with irrelevant answers. Instead of asking, “How?” the question should be, “Why?”  “Why am I here?” Not ‘”How am I here?”

Theories of general relativity, quantum field technology, super symmetry, and the like, will never tell us why we are here. Spending billions on the Large Hedron Collider in Switzerland to discover a missing particle in support of a theory will not tell us why we are here, nor will it tell us the truth that we are more than a collection of chemicals, neutrons and protons. We already know this to be true. We are more than mere matter.

Physicists like Hawkins dedicate their lives to seeking the origin of the universe on the premise that they are rational human beings able to find the answer. At the same time they may acknowledge they have a conscience, and claim to know the difference between right and wrong, but to believe there is life beyond death - that is another matter! To accept they have a soul or a spirit that will live beyond death, they completely deny.

If they know the difference between right and wrong, and if they have a conscience, why do they not ask questions such as: “Why am I as I am?” “Why do I do things I’m ashamed of?” “Why can I reason?” “Why do I have feelings?” and “Why am I here?”? If they are of God’s elect, He will provide them with the answers and He will reveal Himself to them.

He does this through the revelation of His Son Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit who speaks through God’s reference book, the Bible. This is not a dissertation of theories purporting to provide scientific answers as to how the world came into being, but it does give us God’s answers as to why He created it and why He created us. It tells of His wondrous love through the provision of His Son who suffered, died and rose again to bring us to Himself to love and adore Him for ever.

There is nothing theoretical about the words of Jesus. He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6)


  1. While I respect your views William, I do have to disagree. Here on the island alone I have come across several alternative and quite differing perspectives on the issue you speak about - and that's all from 'Christians'- albeit of different flavours. All consider their versions correct. All could be right or/and wrong. The same could be said for Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs and the rest, and please don't forget Atheists and Agnostics.
    However, we chose our paths and and live in belief / disbelief as we prefer.

  2. Bill, I also respect your views but I tend to agree with Andrea. The Achilles heel of what is considered "Fundamentalists" or even "Orthodox" Christianity is its exclusiveness. It goes like this - "We are right, you are wrong, end of story." There is no middle ground with this sort of theology - hence, sadly the post Christian Era that we live in.
    Chritianity in every century since its birth has developed and evolved and grown - only this growth will ensure its long term survival.

    In my opinion, there are many different roads to the top of the same mountain. All faiths talk about ultimate truth through Metaphors, Myths, Parables, Icons, Prayer, Meditation etc etc - Ultimate truth is beyond human comprehension so this is why the truth of all Religions, the truth of Divine Love is expressed in this way - a way that all can understand.

    It is very interesting that meditators and mystics of all religious traditions (this includes the mystical traditional of Christianity that thrived until it was persecuted out of existence by the church) have the same experiences of the divine and agree that "God" is love and that the components of that - Compassion, forgiveness, love, reconciliation, faithfulness, fidelity etc are all part of this love - there is NO disagreement about that.

    The quest for "The Theory of Everything" which is a quest for something begun by Einstein which I think he called the "Unified Field Theory" is a legitimate quest - it simply a way in physics of unifying Newtonian physics (The physical laws of the big [Macrocosm] with Quantum Mechanics [The physical laws of the small [Microcosm]. This quest is not a Theological quest, it is a scientific quest.

    The spiritual quest is the quest for meaning in our lives - a a legitimate and crucial quest it is for us all.

  3. Andrea and Alden, I thank you both for your thoughful and considered comments. I can only reply with a personal testimony that Jesus has transformed my life, and I can bear testimony as to how he has transformed the lives of others. To know His love is a reality for me and for them. Through and by His grace we have accepted His invitation to come to Him and to receive His peace. He says, “Come to Me, all of you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

  4. Bill, I think that's really great. The word that you used which impresses me is the word "Transformation" - The spiritual life should do exactly that, and if it doesn't then it's not much use at all. The only caveat I would put on any of this is that I don't believe in an 'exclusive' path regarding this kind of personal transformation. The Dalai Lama says "My religion is loving kindness". The linear path for Buddhists works like this - Utter Moral behaviour ---- Meditation / prayer / ---- Personal Transformation i.e. Wisdom, love, kindness etc.
    I feel that this path has equal legitimacy as a spiritual path and in saying so I don't think it takes anything away from a Christian path except Christianities proclaimed exclusiveness.

    I really like that word 'Transformation' - because without this personal experience that makes us more loving then it's all just ranting polemic, dogma and hot air.

    Thanks for the opportunity to have a bit of a rant on your blog Bill - I appreciate it LOL !! : > )

    I am finding your blog a mine of yachting information - thanks.
