
Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Worth in Relation to Value

My daughter sent me a text message saying that a yacht she had been renovating was valued by a surveyor at a price considerably more than was paid for her. The value obviously reflected work done, plus the cost of materials and value-added items. The surveyor would have compared the vessel to other similar yachts and he would have taken note of how much was being asked for them.

On the part of the buyer a subjective factor comes into play regarding worth. The worth of a vessel is determined by desire or perceived need, which may well lead the buyer to pay over the odds.

Market values fluctuate according to the law of supply and demand. In a stagnant market, asking prices may fall well below true values because of building costs i.e., the payment of wages, the purchasing of materials, renting premises, general maintenance, buying new tools, paying for energy, transport, publicity etc.

The value judgments of prospective buyers are determining factors. Their preferences and prejudices may vary considerably, e.g., those who prefer big boats or small boats; wide boats or narrow; those with shallow draught or deep; fin keel or long; gaff rig or Marconi; junk or lugsail, ketch or schooner etc.

Worth and value are not the same, and the realisation of this axiom can lead us to ask serious questions, such as, ‘What is valuable?’ and ‘What is worthwhile?’

The prime answers to these questions for me are: ‘Life is most valuable,’ and, ‘Living it to the full for the glory of God is extremely worthwhile.’

Matthew 13:45, 46 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”


Stephen Sutton who lived his short life to the full

Stephen Sutton, teenage cancer fundraiser, has died

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