
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Boathouse for ‘Minnow’

The garage has been swept clean; all cobwebs have been removed – I found a new broom for a new boat.

Hopefully, the road will be clear for the delivery at mid afternoon tomorrow.

The excitement is building, but my hopes must not be too high.

For sure there will be things that I shall not like; however, the good points will surely outweigh the bad ones.

Will I be shocked, or will I be elated; perhaps neither. I may be moderately pleased, or even fully satisfied.

Never before have I acquired a boat without first seeing her close to hand. I am not anxious, but I want to get over the first meeting, which is rather like a blind date. Incidentally, I met my wife through a blind date, not of my choosing, but to satisfy a friend who was unable to attend one that had been arranged for him.

This is a bit of a gamble, but the odds are good. After all, ‘Minnow’ was built to the plans of Matt Layden’s Paradox, with a few minor changes. The basics are there, and possibly a lot more, because she has been tested by two previous owners. I understand that some of the lead ballast has been supplemented with concrete ballast. I’m hoping it has been done well, and that the boat sits on her designed waterline.

If all goes to plan, ‘Minnow’ should be snug in her boathouse by tomorrow evening, and I’ll know the answers to most of my questions.


  1. Great news to read you have located and bought a replacement Paradox. Fancy finding one in Norway!
    Have fun bringing her up to your high standards.
    Is this the first time you have returned to a design you have previously owned? Speaks very highly of your regard for Paradox.
    Brian (Milford on Sea)

  2. Brian,

    Every boat is a compromise.

    Paradox majors strongly on safety and protection for her solo crew. She is easy to manage and she can sail in shallow water.

    Her windward performance is not great, but it is adequate if cruising. There is not a better small beach cruiser, and for mucking about in estuaries, she's ideal.

