
Saturday, March 02, 2013

JT’s Photoblog


If you love natural history you will enjoy exploring John Tompkins’s Photoblog. He is a keen photographer who is fascinated with birds and wildlife.
At this moment the wallpaper of my laptop is a photograph of a perky robin. I downloaded it from John’s blog*, and I saved it to the screen of my laptop. Fairly regularly, at intervals of about three weeks, John publishes a series of photos at his blog. Each set of photos is dated, and given a subject heading. Captions explain where and when photos were taken. John provides technical details, including the make of his camera, what lens he used and the setting for each shot.
In addition to being a naturalist, John is an author with the penname of John Gwynant. Kindle and paperback versions of his novels can be obtained through his book website** or his Amazon webpage.***
I got to know John through the Yahoo Small Sailboat Forum, of which he is a Moderator. When I had my 50/50 Paul Fisher canoe I met up with John for a day sail on the River Crouch. He brought along his junk-rigged open canoe. A couple or so years later he bought a Newbridge Coromandel which we sailed together from the Medway to Tollesbury.
*JT’s Photoblog
**John Gwynant
***John’s Amazon Outlet
My Paul Fisher 50/50
My Paul Fisher 50/50
Saturday, 4th September (Delivery trip aboard John’s Corribee)
Yahoo! Small Sailboats Forum
Natural History

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