
Saturday, December 15, 2012

I had an adventure in the loft this morning searching for all the Christmas paraphernalia, most importantly parts for assembling the tree. Our six foot ‘snow’ tree bought at TESCO some years ago is still going strong. Bit by bit I put the colour-coded parts together, starting with the trunk which was comprised of four pieces that slotted together.

Two of our young grandsons came to help decorate the tree. They were a great at sorting and checking baubles before attaching them to the tips of branches. Of course, they could not reach the higher ones, and that’s where I was of use.  Between us we established a few rules for decorating the tree. Large items would be attached first, followed by smaller and smaller ones, until none were left. I arranged the fairy lights before the children arrived.

By way of decorations in addition to the tree, we have a three foot papier-mâché Father Christmas and a cheerful, cotton wool snowman wearing a colourful scarf. We also have miniature LED lights that emit an attractive pale green glow and they usually form part of the mantelshelf decorations devised by my wife. She comes up with various themes year by year. Candlelight adds to the magic on Christmas Eve when the main lights are dimmed. Then it is always special, because all has been done and the scene is set for Christmas Day.

We shall, of course, enjoy meeting all the church folk that morning for a time of worship before going our separate ways. No doubt most of us will have traditional Christmas fare before listening to the Queen’s speech. The children won’t be so keen, as they will want to play with their new toys and games. For me, a family gathering is always rewarding, and this year we shall celebrate together at our youngest daughter’s place.

Luke 2:14

“Glory to God in the highest,

And on earth peace, goodwill

toward men!”



TESCO  6’ Snow Alps Spruce Christmas Tree

LED Christmas Tree

Yachtsman’s Christmas Tree


  1. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful and productive New Year. It was great to meet with you last summer Bill, I thoroughly enjoy your blog which is always fresh and interesting. Summer is in full bloom here with very wam days so I look forward to some cruises in my little trailer sailer over the holiday period.
    Kind regards

  2. Paul,

    Many thanks for your Christmas greetings. I hope you have a really good time sailing your super boat, and I wish you and your family a very happy Christmas.

