
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Odd Jobs, part 2

I suppose I could have been off sailing this weekend, but my wife and I have visitors staying with us - Besides, it’s a Saturday, and the weather is baking hot, which will encourage more boaters than usual to be on the water. The River Crouch on a sunny weekend at this time of year is always busy, being especially popular with those who own motor yachts and ski boats. Between them they create havoc by speeding up and down the River. Small sailing boats don’t stand a chance. They are tossed about by the waves from washes, and if there is any wind, it is spilled from the sails.

Instead of taking to the water I cut the lawn and trimmed its edges with a strimmer. I also took on the role of chauffeur for our visitors who went to a garden show in Southend. Between these activities I continued my ‘odd jobs’ programme on the boat.

Yesterday, because I did not clearly think through how I should refit the hasp and staple to ‘Sandpiper’s’ hatch and upper washboard I stupidly drilled two unnecessary holes in the latter.  I have since plugged them with wooden dowels that I shaped to fit. While I was varnishing them I touched up the paddle where it was slightly damaged by being caught under the shackle that fits through the port chainplate. I normally stow the paddle between the shroud and the cabin top, ready for instant use, but I may have to find a more satisfactory place.

Here is a photo of the wire that links the solar panel to the battery. It is kept in situ by self-adhesive clips.  I am using a bayonet fitting, rather than crocodile clips for connecting the solar panel to the battery. This is better than with the previous solar panel because I didn’t have the option of choosing a bayonet fitting on account of the wires being reversed in their polarity. I never got around to permanently fitting the wire, as I thought I may have a replacement panel, but as you know, it was never sent to me. Thursday’s blog tells the story.

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