
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Painting ‘Sandpiper’s’ Topsides

In the past I have always preferred painting my boats with International Yacht Paint of one type or another – that’s according to the material being painted. On the whole, International Paint is more expensive than competitor brands such as Blakes and Hempel. Today I chose to break with my usual practice and go for Hempel Multicoat, which is less than half the price of the equivalent International Perfection Paint. Whether it will be as durable remains to be seen, but I was very pleased with the handling characteristics and the gloss finish.
I have yet to apply a second coat to provide an additional barrier for the topsides, especially for when ‘Sandpiper’ will be moored at a pontoon with her fenders deployed. Ideally, the finish should be hard and durable, with no tendency to flake off from the GRP.

Conditions for applying the paint were not ideal because the wind was blowing quite strongly. I had to make sure that there was not too much paint on the brush to prevent it being blown all over the place. There was a small chance of rain, but I had the option of retreating to the garage. The warm air helped with the flow of the paint.

The weather forecast for tomorrow indicates there will be cloud cover, but no rain, and a temperature of 12 degrees Celsius. Ideally, I would want the temperature to be higher, but I’ll probably manage OK.

Note: The forecast is now for 16 degrees Celsius mid-morning when I hope to be doing the paint job.

1 comment:

  1. I discovered that decorating suppliers Brewer sell a silicon alkyd paint called shiprite - it's very similar to Toplac which I've used a lot with good results. The thing about Shiprite is the colour range which is vast compared to yacht paints. I've just done Erica's Scow in a vivid green called lollypop - very easy and forgiving paint to apply with roller and tipped off with brush - results look good - Sandpiper's looking good
