
Sunday, August 08, 2010

Granddaughter’s Delight

'Ice Cream Delight - Eat Messy'

The day did not pass without the word ‘boat’ being mentioned, just as the day could not go without using the word ‘I’. To manage without these words would be very difficult indeed. As a starter, this Blog is about me, my family, my friends and the things that interest me. Therefore to manage without the first person singular is almost impossible. If my topics were always about other people and things, the possibility would be there to avoid the pronoun ‘I’, but why should I not point the finger to me? After all, one of the purposes of the Blog is to inform my family and friends about what has been happening in my life – it’s a kind of online diary, except at times I choose off-topic items.

Today, the hours from waking until now have not been entirely selfish; in fact I dislike selfishness and self-centredness, because it does not fit in with my values and beliefs. The latter determine the stance and attitudes I try to put into practice during my waking hours. Like most people, I suppose, there are conflicts and anomalies, but that’s how Homo sapiens behave. The problem with that is I do not believe I have descended from the primate species, because man was made in the image of God. (Genesis 1:26)

One of my activities today involved eating, but not just any old meal; it was a special one to celebrate the birthday of my eldest daughter. A few of us gathered together at a popular public house that has a good reputation for tasty food and excellent service. We had to wait for forty-five minutes before we were allocated a table, but the wait was worthwhile. In between munching our food, we were engaged in congenial conversation exchanging news and sharing interests. There was ample to eat, and the quality of prepared food lived up the standard we expected. For a sweet, I chose a mini raspberry cheesecake which was absolutely delicious, but the emphasis was on the minute quantity, served in a very small glass container. I was surprised how tiny the portion was. As I ate my scrumptious cheesecake, I gazed across the table, and my mouth watered more as I observed my granddaughter demolishing an, ‘Ice Cream Delight - Eat Messy’. It looked irresistible as she ate it with obvious pleasure, and the size of it was huge by comparison with my cheesecake. I made a mental note, that I would be terribly selfish if I were to visit that venue again.

Incidentally, I couldn’t avoid chatting about boats and yachting, bore that I am.

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