
Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday, 12 July

Exeter Guildhall
Guildhall Coat of Arms
Floral Decorations
Nonsense Art Work

If you read yesterday’s post you will be relieved to learn that I was able to extract the inflatable dinghy from under the stern of ‘Ladybird’ when she re-floated. I would not resort to doing that again, because the boat would have lifted and no damage would have occurred, had she settled on her stern.

I took the boat back to the mooring where I had been before at Starcross and spent a very comfortable night there.

Today I visited Exeter to follow up my previous daytrip when going down Channel. This time I saw things differently. I had another look at the riddle ‘sculpture’ which isn’t sculpture as such, but more of a construction. On seeing it again I noticed the reflections of nearby buildings and the sunlight gave it a different, warmer complexion. The large shiny balls reflect what is outside, and on this occasion I became part of the artist’s work for a short space of time through having it reflect my image. This I captured on my camera as a self-portrait. Previously I thought the ’thing’ was a waste of money, but now I’m not so sure.

A second visit to the Guildhall was worth it. A lecture was taking place there for French students. I just could not resist taking a photo of a sculpture of Queen Victoria, also of the coat of arms over the doorway.

Another thing I noticed on my second visit was the floral decorations in the High Street. Exeter City Council is certainly trying to make the place attractive.

I’ve been invited to a meal at my sister-in-laws and to have a chinwag with my niece and her family.

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