
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mind Drifter and ‘Windvinder’

Before you read this article, please click the link to see a photo of ‘Windvinder’.

It’s all in the mind. What’s in the mind? For me, the answer is ‘Reality’. My dictionary defines reality as, the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. I can only know and understand reality through the avenue of my mind, via my senses, but there is another reality, that which is constructed in my mind and equates to reality. Imagination, fact and fiction intertwine, producing an intangible world of reality, which is just as real as anything I can touch, smell, see, taste or hear.

You’ll note that at the head of this Blog, my pseudonym is ‘Mind Drifter’, which is the most appropriate description I can find for myself. The name is fitting for a person who dreams small boats, thinks small boats, plays with small boats, builds small boats, loves small boats, because small boats are nothing more than minute plankton on a vast ocean, swirled around by currents blown by the winds, whose origin is in the sun. Small boats are drifters, just like me.

When I read a recent Blog* I came across a link to ‘Windvinder’ where I found plankton that moved against the flow. This eureka moment was like discovering a kindred spirit who challenged and overcame invincible nature. I discovered a delicate marine creature, beautifully crafted in curved wood, embalmed in waterproofed fabric. ‘His’ name was ‘Windvinder’, and his creator and maker was Wipke Iwersen, a talented artist born as a nymph of the sea with salt water running through her veins, driven by the heartbeat of pulsing waves. Truly, she is real. She is not a product of my imagination, and what she has produced is a real masterpiece, a living mobile, interacting and reacting to wind and waves. Mostly the sun, moon and stars are aware of his presence as he whirls his wings in defiance against the wind, but now and again he is seen by fishermen, islanders, porpoises and phantom albatrosses of the Great Pacific Ocean.

His quest is to find the origin of the wind, and to that end, he always battles his way forwards directly into the invisible force. Sadly, his wings, though subtle and respondent, do not generate power; they simply absorb and dissipate energy, sufficient for making progress on the surface of the sea. Unless he can dream reality and fly to the sun, he’ll never find his heart’s desire.


* 70.8%

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