
Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Wednesday, 15th June

Last night there were strong winds and an inch of rain (Confirmed by Cornwall Radio). This morning brightened up for a time, but this afternoon dark clouds rushed over the horizon and white horses galloped out at sea. ‘Bumper’ was and remains protected by high land to windward at Watermill Cove.

I found little to do this morning other than enjoy a time of quiet reading.

This afternoon I tramped tracks and roads leading to Hugh Town, where I shopped for groceries and sipped coffee and ate a cake while watching yachts rock and roll in the Harbour. I was thankful not to be there in my boat.

One reason for going to HT was to take photos of ‘Arrander’, Sebastian Nasland’s ocean micro-sailboat, at the Longstone Heritage Centre, but I had forgotten to check the batteries of my digital camera! On my way back to the boat, having purchased new batteries, I still could not take any photos, because the camera’s memory had been used. Perhaps I shall not have an opportunity again, because I may decide to sail to the mainland tomorrow. On the other hand, if strong winds persist, I shall have another chance of photographing ‘Arrandir’.

Now, there are four yachts at Watermill Cove; one has a live-aboard who emanates from Troon. In the morning he sets traps for lobsters and crabs; then he retrieves them before nightfall.

I should have mentioned that a seal was curious about the boat and maybe me. He surfaced only a few yards from the stern of ‘Bumper’ so that I had a good look at him, not that I could see much, except his black head and his mottled black and white throat.

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