
Monday, October 27, 2014

‘Minnow’ for Sale

As most readers will know, I have been advertising ‘Minnow’ at Ebay. (Item Number 161437876632) The advertisement is due to expire tomorrow at 16.57. I shall not be renewing this specific advert after it has expired, but if she is unsold within the next few months, and I’m still of a mind to sell her, I’ll reconsider advertising her again, perhaps in the spring of 2015.

There are a number of people who have expressed an interest in her, and at the moment she is for sale. If I change my mind, I’ll let readers know via the blog. Meanwhile, any interested parties can contact me as they have before, by email or telephone. For new enquirers the email is barnacleid at yahoo dot co dot uk and the phone number is 07588288060.

I have had enquiries from people in different countries in Europe, but I want to make it clear that I am NOT prepared to arrange transport to anywhere abroad, or in the UK.

I highly recommend prospective buyers to see the boat before making offers. I will only accept cash or cashed cheques by way of payment. 




  1. Hello Bill, Im dissapointed for you that youve been unanble to sell Minnow,but glad shes still available in the event of my getting my sticky fingers on the nessesary. Im still casting around but am reluctant to borrow the money. I hope you're well.

  2. Richard,

    I know you would like 'Minnow', but I think you are wise not to borrow.

