
Saturday, August 17, 2013

‘Sandpiper’ Has Gone

There is a little pang in my stomach and a tinge of sadness that a chapter has ended, but what a chapter! And a new one is about to begin!

I saw the tail end of ‘Sandpiper’ disappearing around the corner as I waved her goodbye. Whether she was sad or not, I do not know. She had a new Master. She was off to Graffam Water for a life of luxury, a life of indulgence. No more tides, no more frightening maelstroms - real or imagined - no more endurance passages, no more headlands, nothing but picnics and gentile sailing around the lake. There will be tea parties galore and sunny afternoons …….. Pottering as Potters should potter.

Hopefully, a fresh page will be turned this coming Monday, 19th August to reveal ‘Minnow’, a seasoned Paradox sailboat, all the way from Norway, repatriated to her country of birth. She will smell the tang of sea salt while crossing the Strait of Dover. She will feel the ferry lifting to the swell, and know that she will soon have a new Haven and a new Master who will give her adventures by the score.

Sea billows roll, roll on, and bring her home safely.
John 10:10 'I have come that they may have life, and that they may it more abundantly.'


Graffam Water

Graffam Water Sailing Club

Strait of Dover


  1. Hi Bill
    Pleased that your sale went well. A lot of people bid on and buy boats on ebay and then never go and pick them up.
    Good luck with the next one.

  2. Michael,

    That is the case. Having clicked the button they realise they cannot carry it through, and back out.

    'Sandpiper's' new owner was delighted with her. I hope that will continue to be the case, and that he will derive much pleasure from her.

