
Monday, March 21, 2011

Active Day with the Grandchildren

At 0550 the sound of tiny voices could be heard coming from the back bedroom. Breakfast was on the table at 0645. A curry for the church meal had been cooked the day before and chocolate cake was soon being baked in the oven. The youngsters shared a bath together at 0800. Dressed in their new clothes they played in the lounge until it was time to leave. At 1015 we strapped them into their seats and loaded the car with gear. A place for the curry was found on the floor because there was no room in the boot.

Miraculously all of the traffic lights were in our favour, allowing us to arrive at the church with five minutes to spare before the service began. A visiting preacher from Caring for Life illustrated the sterling work being done in Leeds with the homeless, the mentally ill, abused people, and those with learning difficulties.

Lunch was on the table by 1300, and what feast there was too! My wife’s curry was irresistible. People very quickly demolished it, with no chance of a second helping.

About mid-afternoon we left the church and made our way to my daughter’s place to collect the boy’s tricycles. Then we set off to the park where the boys sped along paths before playing on swings, slides and climbing frames.

We were back at my daughter’s for tea by 1730; then the boys played again and watched a film. My wife dressed them in pyjamas to be ready for bed at 2000.

We didn’t arrive home until 2230, and since then I’ve been occupied writing this Blog!


Caring for Life

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